1. Natural Sciences and Mathematics
  2. Chemistry

Chemistry| Major

Engage in an Enriching Liberal arts Education While Gaining the Discipline-Based Knowledge for Chemistry Careers

Degrees Awarded: Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts

This individualized major offers creative and self-motivated students to develop a broad and deep working knowledge of chemistry. At Lake Erie College, we have a small academic setting and students in this program develop a closer academic relationship with their fellow students and faculty, which allows mentoring throughout your 3 or 4-year track.

Requirements for the Chemistry Major

A Major in chemistry reflecting the individual's interest and proposed career should be planned in consultation with the chemistry facility. Some careers require either post-baccalaureate training in professional schools or graduate study in chemistry or biochemistry. Students planning post-baccalaureate study should consult appropriate science faculty early in their college careers. This major prepares students for careers relating to the chemical professions such as laboratory work, teaching or chemical sales, as well as careers that require an advanced degree such as medicine, dentistry, and veterinary medicine or Ph.D. level research.

A three year sequence is also available for the chemistry major and is available for all interested students. This sequence requires coursework during summer terms. Students wishing to participate in the Findlay College of Pharmacy 3+4 program must be enrolled in the three year sequence for a B.S. in Chemistry and fulfill the requirements as outlined in the Articulation Agreements section of the course catalog.

General Requirements for Admission into the Chemistry Major

Students applying to the chemistry major must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better and earn no grade of D+ or lower in the following required courses:

  • BI 101/BI 101L Introductory Biology I and Lab

  • BI 102/BI 102L

  • CH 103/CH 103L General Chemistry I and Lab

  • CH 104/CH 104L General Chemistry II and Lab

  • MT 109 (or higher as placed)

  • SC 101 Methods of Science I

  • SC 102 Methods of Science II

The student's overall GPA must be 3.0 or higher at the end of their third semester on the LEC campus. The details of the process for admission to the chemistry major will be provided during extended orientation and accessible via LEO.

Ttransfer students must meet with a department advisor to request admission into the program. For graduation, all chemistry majors must achieve a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA and a minimum 2.7 cumulative major GPA. Students who are determined to not be making good progress in the major may be dismissed from the major. Please note that students in health-related articulation agreements between LEC and other institutions generally must achieve GPAs higher than the minimum for graduation.

Requirements for the Major

Bachelor of Arts

Students looking to achieve a Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry must complete 45-49 semester credits including:

  • CH 103 General Chemistry I (3 SH)

  • CH 103L General Chemistry I Lab (1 SH)

  • CH 104 General Chemistry II (3 SH)

  • CH 104L General Chemistry II Lab (1 SH)

  • CH 211 Organic Chemistry I (3 SH)

  • CH 211L Organic Chemistry I Lab (1 SH)

  • CH 211LL Organic Chemistry I Lab Lecture (1 SH)

  • CH 212 Organic Chemistry II (3 SH)

  • CH 212L Organic Chemistry II Lab (1 SH)

  • CH 212LL Organic Chemistry II Lab Lecture (1 SH)

  • CH 333 Physical Chemistry I (3 SH)

  • CH 333L Physical Chemistry I Lab (1 SH)

  • CH 490 Chemistry Capstone I (1 SH)

  • MT 207 Probability and Statistics (3 SH)

  • MT 210 Calculus and Analytical Geometry I (5 SH)

  • PC 201 General Physics I (3 SH)

  • PC 201L General Physics I Lab (1 SH)

  • PC 202 General Physics II (3 SH)

  • PC 202L General Physics II Lab (1 SH)

  • SC 101 Methods of Science I (1 SH)

  • SC 101 Methods of Science II (1 SH)

And BA Chemistry Group 1 -- Two courses with corresponding labs as appropriate from the following (4-8 SH)

  • CH 201 Quantitative Analysis (3 SH)

  • CH 201L Quantitative Analysis Lab (1 SH)

  • CH 219 Instrumental Analysis (3 SH)

  • CH 219L Instrumental Analysis Lab (1 SH)

  • CH 302 Biochemistry (3 SH)

  • CH 302L Biochemistry Lab (1 SH)

  • CH 270/CH 370 Special Topic (2-3 SH) or PC 270/ PC 370 Special Topics (2-3 SH)

Bachelor of Science

Students who are hoping to achieve a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry must complete 66-67 semester credits including:

  • CH 103 General Chemistry I (3 SH)

  • CH 103L General Chemistry I Lab (1 SH)

  • CH 104 General Chemistry II (3 SH)

  • CH 104L General Chemistry II Lab (1 SH)

  • CH 201 Quantitative Analysis (3 SH)

  • CH 201L Quantitative Analysis Lab (1 SH)

  • CH 211 Organic Chemistry I (3 SH)

  • CH 211L Organic Chemistry I Lab (1 SH)

  • CH 212 Organic Chemistry II (3 SH)

  • CH 212L Organic Chemistry II Lab (1 SH)

  • CH 219 Instrumental Analysis (3 SH)

  • CH 219L Instrumental Analysis Lab (1 SH)

  • CH 302 Biochemistry (3 SH)

  • CH 302 Biochemistry Lab (1 SH)

  • CH 333 Physical Chemistry I (3 SH)

  • CH 333L Physical Chemistry I Lab (1 SH)

  • CH 334 Physical Chemistry II (3 SH)

  • CH 334L Physical Chemistry II Lab (1 SH)

  • CH 490 Chemistry Capstone Research 1 (1 SH)

  • CH 491 Capstone Research II (2 SH)

  • MT 207 Probability and Statistics (3 SH)

  • MT 210 Calculus and Analytical Geometry I (5 SH)

  • MT 211 Calculus and Analytical Geometry II (4 SH)

  • PC 210 Calculus-Based Physics I (3 SH)

  • PC 210L Calculus-Based Physics I Lab (1 SH)

  • PC 211 Calculus-Based Physics II (3 SH)

  • PC 211L Calculus-Based Physics II Lab (1 SH)

  • SC 101 Methods of Science I (1 SH)

  • SC 102 Methods of Science II (1 SH)

  • CH 270 or 370/PC 270 or 370 Special Topic (2-3 SH)

Pre-Medical Concentration

Students looking to take the pre-medical concentration of this degree must complete 31 semester credits including:

  • BI 101 Introductory Biology I (3 SH)

  • BI 101L Introductory Biology Lab (1 SH)

  • BI 102 Introductory Biology II (3 SH)

  • BI 102L Introductory Biology II Lab (1 SH)

  • BI 203 Cell and Molecular Biology (3 SH)

  • BI 203L Cell and Molecular Biology Lab (1 SH)

  • BI 205 Microbiology (4 SH)

  • BI 205L Microbiology (1 SH)

  • BI 220 Medical Terminology (2 SH)

  • BI 238 Human Anatomy & Physiology I (3 SH)

  • BI 238L Human Anatomy & Physiology I Lab (1 SH)

  • BI 239 Human Anatomy & Physiology II (3 SH)

  • BI 239L Human Anatomy & Physiology II Lab (1 SH)

  • BI 301 Genetics (3 SH)

  • BI 301L Genetics Lab (1 SH)

* Note: Admission requirements vary among graduate schools. Thus, while the Lake Erie College Chemistry and Chemistry Pre-Medical tracks meet most program admissions requirements, it does not guarantee admission into a program. Consultation with admissions representatives from the school or schools of choice early during your undergraduate tenure is highly recommended.

Careers in Chemistry

Chemistry provides foundational training in preparing for industry or academic endeavors. Students planning a career in chemistry should meet with their academic advisor and mentors upon matriculating at Lake Erie College. Students pursuing postgraduate training, such as medicine, veterinary science or dentistry will find undergraduate physical sciences rewarding because of the rigorous quantitative and qualitative training.

A common misconception many students believe is that one must have a biology degree to be considered for medical school. A Chemistry Major from Lake Erie College is an excellent option to consider since most medical schools require a strong background in biochemistry.

Having taken organic chemistry and biochemistry will ensure a smooth transition into the rigors of medical school. Students pursuing chemistry Master’s or Ph.D. programs after graduation will find our program at LEC to provide the necessary cognitive tools to approach today’s physical science challenges. With our hands-on approach to learning, students will begin to bridge their content knowledge, use critical thinking skills to logical solve problems and to then express their findings by communicating to mentors and peers. The LEC chemistry program affords the student to be competitive for industrial chemistry, such as Lubrizol, Sherwin-Willaims, and Henkel to name a few by building up a student’s analytical and technical skills.

Chemistry Laboratory Equipment

For hands-on learning and research, Lake Erie College possesses the following equipment:

  • Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer

  • UV-vis Spectrophotometers

  • Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectrophotometer

  • Gas Chromatograph (GC)

  • High-Performance Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC)

  • Conductivity probes

  • pH meters

For more information about Chemistry…

Johnathan Tedesco, Ph.D.

Dean of the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Associate Professor of Chemistry

1 (440) 375-7352


Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Austin Hall

Chemistry Faculty